Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Storyboard TPACK questions

2nd Grade Language Arts
Standard 1: Oral Language-Students develop language for the purpose of effectively communicating through listening, viewing, and presenting.
Objective 2: Develop language through viewing media and presenting
b) Use a variety of formats in presenting with various forms of media

Standard 8: Writing- Students write daily to communicate effectively for a variety of purposes and audiences.
Objective 6: Write in different forms and genres.
b) Produce traditional and imaginative stories, narrative and formula poetry as an
individual/shared writing activity.
f) Share writing with others using illustrations, graphs, and/or charts and add meaning
g) Publish 4-6 individual products

This lesson will introduce individual writing to the students. The students will write their own stories, draw the pictures and then make both a book and a movie. This fits the content well because students will be starting their 4-6 individual projects, they will be producing imaginative stories, and in the end will share both their hand written books and their digital books with the class.

The technology that will be used during this lesson is PhotoStory. The students will use this technology to make their stories into a fun movies. I think that this could have been done without technology but I also think that because of the technology this will allow the shyer children a chance to share their work without making them feel uncomfortable. This will also show the students that their stories can turn into more than just books.

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