Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Virtual Tour Plan and TPACK

Location Activity Google Earth content
1. The Golden Spike Find the Lag. and Long. Then find out why the Golden Spike is a historic National site. Take them to see the Golden Spike
2. Kennecott Cooper Mine Find out what date the cooper mine opened. Also find out how wide and deep it is. Find the distance from our school to the cooper mines.
Show them Kennecott Cooper Mine
3. National Parks Find out how many National Parks are in UT and which one is the closest to our school. Show where the 13 National Parks are at in UT
4. NY and UT Have the students find out how far away NY and UT are in miles. Have them tell differences in climate and landforms. Show them the trail that the pioneers took from NY to UT
Details of Image overlay / path / Polygon: For the first one I will have a picture of the Golden Spike with a wiki-tab for info on the golden spike. Next I will have a picture of the Kennecott cooper mines. For three there will be multiple pictures depending on which national park they are looking at (I hope to have one picture for each national park) Finally I will have a path from NY to UT that the pioneers took.

TPACK for Google Earth

What is the content you'll be using in your lesson?
4th Grade Social studies Standard 1, objective 1 A (Identify Utah's latitude, longitude, hemisphere, climate, natural resources, landforms, and regions using a variety of geographic tools.) Also Objective 2C ( Compare the development of industry and business in Utah as it relates to its physical geography (e.g. mining, oil, agriculture, tourism). Standard 2 objective 1A (Chart the routes that diverse cultural groups took from their places of origin to Utah, using maps and other resources.) 4th Grade Math Standard 3 Objective 2C (Locate regions on a map of Utah.)

What is the pedagogy you’ll be using and why is it a good fit with the content?
Students will learn about Utah and the different landmarks that are here. Students will learn why the pioneers are important to UT and finally learn how to find different locations on a map of UT. Students will also be able to tell where the different landmarks are in relationship to our school.

What is the technology you’ll be using and why is it a good fit with the content and pedagogy?
The technology that will be used in this lesson will be Google Earth and Wikipedia. Students will take a virtual tour around UT, they will follow a pioneer trail from NY to UT on Google Earth, and they will look up information on Wikipedia.

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